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Beatrice Blanc Studios

Suzuki Violin, MacPhail Center for Music

2024-2025 AtAGlance


  Fall    Spring 
 September  February
 1234567  2345678
 891011121314   9101112131415
 15161718192021  16171819202122
 22232425262728  232425262728 
 October  March
   12345  2345678
 6789101112  9101112131415
 13141516171819  16171819202122
 20212223242526  23242526272829
 2728293031    3031     
 November  April
      12    12345
 3456789  6789101112
 10111213141516  13141516171819
 17181920212223  20212223242526
 24252627282930  27282930   
 December  May
 1234567      123
 891011121314  45678910
 15161718192021  11121314151617
 22232425262728  18192021222324
 293031      25262728293031
 January  June


  MacP tchg day MacP tchg day
 non-MacP day non-MacP day
 Grps/Orch Grps/Orch
 NOGrps/Orch/Lssn NOGrps/Orch/Lssn
7ChbrOrchRtrt 1-5p2, 9Sen.sConc.s 1p ea
5,2,14Grps O&A/PlyIn /FaConc1, 26Grps Conc/PlayIn
15OrchConc 12:45p27OrchConc 1p
 Fa Studio Rec  Spr Studio Rec 
13SenConAud.s 1-3p17,18SuzOrchAud.s


Blanc Studio Recitals

Our biannual celebrations of progress! alt                                                                                Antonello Hall stock photo


Fall 2024 Studio Recital: Sunday, December 8th, 1:00p, Antonello Hall
Spring 2025 Studio Recital: tba

Students can also participate in Friday-night Suzuki Department Recitals
and MacPhail All-School Recitals at the invitation of their teacher.